Conflict in the Workplace

I was working on a very busy Sub-Acute/ Rehab Unit at Sacred Heart Hospital, and I had been a full-time a.m. worker there for about a year and a half at that point. I held the position of a certified nursing assistant or C.N.A for short.   That unit was very busy, and the census was high at that time because it was around the holidays.   So the amounts of admissions were at least four to five new patients a week, and all forty beds were filled.   But all that work didn’t discourage me, probably because I would categorize my self as a workaholic.   I always like to keep busy, and always trying to find ways to juggle more than one task at a time.   That’s why I think I fit perfectly as a C.N.A, the job is very tedious and consuming, and eight hours is definitely not enough time to finish all the work in your shift.   In health care is a non-stop continuous cycle that never ends, and the amount of needs to fill everyday is endless.   My duties as a C.N.A everyday are to wash, dress, change, feed and answer all the call lights on not just mine but any room. That means if the call light goes on when your passing a room you own it.   You also held the responsibility of retrieving all vital signs; blood pressure, pulse, respirations, temp, and you also had to get all weights and specimens for the nurses. I really liked the job because it kept me moving, learning new useful things, and because I’m a soother it fulfilled that need to always help people.
This job definitely involves a lot of teamwork, there are even parts of the job were you have no choice but to ask for help weather you like it or not.   So you have to form some kind of bond with your co-workers to make the workday go by a little easier and faster.   And at that point I know I was known as the pushover, or in other words the girl that won’t say no.   As for my co-worker Liz, she was known as the slacker, or the girl that always disappears and avoids the job and especially in times when you really need her help....