Childrens Rights



The first part of this assignment is an essay based upon a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis of provision within a setting focussing on protecting children’s, young people’s and family rights. It aims to show that the writer has an understanding of how the Rights of the Child are used within legislative frameworks which govern the workplace and influence policy and practice.  

The second part of this assignment will evaluate and reflect upon a work based activity within a provision that promotes children’s rights to be safe and protected.   The roles of multi-agency professionals working together for the benefit of children, young people and their families will be critically analysed.

Childhood is determined by the family, home, community, legal and political context in which the child lives it is also determined by the lifestyle choices that adults make who care for the child.   Johnston (2009) advises that promoting children’s rights allows the child to be part of the decision making process and encourage them to develop opinions and make decisions.   This is a world away from the old age adage children should be seen and not heard.

Component One

According to Halstead (2014) human rights are fundamentally based on the idea that everyone is entitled to the same way of life simply because they are a human being.   This is the same principal for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) with the belief that all children have the same rights.   In 1989 governments from around the world agreed to recognise and promote rights for children and young people under the age of eighteen.   This is a legally binding document that outlines the minimum entitlements of children, comprising of fifty four articles, that should be respected by the one hundred and ninety three governments that signed it.

The articles of the UNCRC fall into four categories...