Chapter 4 - Javascript

JavaScript 4th Edition
Answers to Review Questions
Chapter 4
1. Which of the following objects is also referred to as the global object?
a. Document object
b. Window object(a)
c. Browser object
d. Screen object
2. Which of the following elements in the browser object model are referenced with arrays? (Choose all that apply.)
a. images(a)
b. frames(a)
c. forms(a)
d. paragraphs
3. Which of the following terms does not refer to the browser object model?
a. Firefox object model(a)
b. JavaScript object model
c. client-side object model
d. Navigator object model
4. You must use the Window object or self property when referencing a property or method of the Window object. True or false(a)?
5. Explain how to override an event with an event handler function.
When you override an internal event handler with your own code, your code must return a value of true or false, using the return statement.
6. Which of the following events are used to create rollover effects? (Choose all that apply.)
a. onclick
b. onload
c. onmouseover(a)
d. onmouseout(a)
7. Explain how to open a blank window with the method.
You exclude the URL argument.
8. You use the options string of the method to specify any elements that you do not want created for the new window. True(a) or false?
9. Which of the following arguments of the options string of the method identifies the horizontal coordinate where the window will be positioned?
a. left(a)
b. leftPosition
c. x-axis
d. moveTo
10. Explain why you should include the Window object or self property when using the open() and close() methods of the Window object.
It is not necessary to include the Window object or self property when using the open() and close() methods of the Window object. However, the Document object also contains methods named open() and close(), which are used for opening and closing Web pages. Therefore, the Window object is usually included with the open()...