1917 Revolution

1917 was a year of revolution due to many factors;the Tsar was a weak autocratic ruler who was unsuccessful in leading Russia. After the Tsar’s abdication, the provisional government took authorityand was ultimately overthrownby Lenin and the Bolsheviks.
History was continuing to repeat itseld as prior to the 1917 revolution, there had been a revolution in 1905.Once the Japanese had overpowered Russia, the republic of Russia began to doubt the Tsar and he, as a result of this became detested. This, in turn, ensued in riots, workers strikes, and atrocious conditions amongst the nation. One occurrence in particular, known as ‘Bloody Sunday’ played a significant role to the 1905 revolution; this is when the workers marched to the winter palace demanding better living and working conditions. It was regarded as a massacre, rather than a peaceful march; it resulted in the army firing into the crowd killing 500 people. As a response, the Tsar established the October manifesto, promising his people a freedom of speech, the right to form political parties, the establishment of a Duma, in which no new laws could pass without their consent. However the Tsar failed to keep his promises, which led to an increase of riots and strikes.
August 1914, World War 1 broke out, not only was Russia fighting poorly in World War I, there were high casualty rates, inadequate medical care, shortages of food, guns, and bullets. Soldiers were poorly trained and equipped for a war, only two- thirds had rifles and ammunition was rationed.Thousand of soldiers barely survived the war, and became ill due to the poor state of their clothing and the constant cold weather. In the battle of ‘Tannenberg’ the German army killed 140, 000 Russian soldiers and captured over 100, 000. Strikes and public protests happened in the country with increasing frequency during 1916 and early 1917. Violent encounters between protesters and authorities also increased.The living condition in Russia was harsh; there...