What Can You Say About the Identities of the People of Stratford, Based on the Tables Provided?

What can you say about the identities of the people of Stratford, based on the tables provided?
In this essay I will be discussing the quantitative data collected by the census in 2001 on key statistics based on the people of Stratford; examining similarities, differences compared with England and Wales and what these figures might indicate.  

On examination of the population data it is apparent that proportions of Stratford’s population is at significant variance with England and Wales. Only 40%, 4 in every 10 residents are listed as white British, which is less than half the national average. The population of African and Caribbean people account for almost 30% of Stratford which is 14 times greater than the national average.   The remaining figures show the ethnic population percentages are higher than average in all categories. With 2/3 of the population having non-British classification Stratford is far from a typical city and evidently has a strong collective migrant identity.  
Almost 90% of all the accommodation available to the people of Stratford for occupation is terraced, purpose built flats or shared housing. The data also shows that housing is extremely tight with only 80 houses vacant. Availability of detached and semi detached housing is very low at only 8.8%.   Accommodation of the type and scale available in Stratford is typical of inner city densely populated living areas and also might indicate that Stratford is a less affluent area. Poor education is often associated with less affluence but 71% of the population does have qualifications though almost 30% are listed as having none.   These figures are similar to the national average but we know that the population make up of Stratford is not typical of an average city. In contrast a significant proportion considerably is higher than the national average are academic achievers with level 3 – 5 qualifications.   Without qualitative evidence it is impossible to explain the education figures or why...