Water Plan

The issue of freshwater pollution is a serious level of concern. The Environmental Protection Agency has projected that water pollution will be as high in 2025 as it was in 1968, which is before the passage of the Clean Water Act. We must comprehend the problems and become part of the resolution in order to combat this pollution. There are many different types of water pollution, with that being said the quality and quantity of our clean freshwater resources are depleting. The water pollution is not just a local issue but rather a global problem that does require serious attention in order for the cleanup of these contaminates to be anywhere near successful. According to Pielou, (1998) “The UN reports that one person in six lives without regular access to safe drinking water.” There are many essential changes that are needed that are not going to come easily. We need to remember that water is essential to the survival of all living things. We need to do everything we can to maintain the quality of clean water.

The world today has various categories of water pollution that affects it. We do recognize this reality, but humans still ignore this problem by polluting the rivers and lakes. Many humans throw their trash into the lakes and rivers when they are fishing and camping. The main contributors of water pollution are classified as municipal, industrial, and agricultural. Providing a step by step “Freshwater Sustainability Plan”, this pollution issue can be maintained and even solved. Yes, it is going to take some time but if we follow this step by step plan we can get the pollution maintained and have cleaner, safer water. The following is an action plan that will lay out the blueprint needed to ensure this sustainability plan succeeds.

Steps for the Freshwater Sustainability Plan

* Research the freshwater pollution problem and identify the source of the water pollutants. This will be done in the field and in the office. Research will be conducted to...