
, 2012  

Transtheoretical Model of Change, a theoretical model of behavior change was originally explained by Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983.
Transtheoretical model of change has been the basis for developing effective interventions to promote health behavior change.
The model describes how people modify a problem behavior or acquire a positive behavior.
The TTM is a model of intentional change. This model focuses on the decision making of the individual.
The transtheoretical model may help to explain differences in persons’ success during treatment for a range of psychological and physical health problems.
This model has been widely applied in behaviour modification techniques.

The core constructs of the TTM are

the processes of change
decisional balance
self-effi cacy, and
Processes of change
Processes of change are the covert and overt activities that people use to progress through the stages.
There are ten such processes as explained by Prochaska:
Consciousness Raising (Increasing awareness)
Dramatic Relief (Emotional arousal)
Environmental Reevaluation (Social reappraisal)
Social Liberation (Environmental opportunities)
Self Reevaluation (Self reappraisal)
Stimulus Control (Re-engineering)
Helping Relationship (Supporting)
Counter Conditioning (Substituting)
Reinforcement Management (Rewarding)
Self Liberation (Committing)
The first five are classified as Experiential Processes and are used primarily for the early stage transitions.
The last five are labeled Behavioral Processes and are used primarily for later stage transitions.
Decisional Balance
Decisional Balance reflects the individual's relative weighing of the pros and cons of changing.
The Decisional Balance scale involves weighting the importance of the Pros and Cons.
Self-efficacy represents the situation specific confidence that people have that they can cope with high-risk situations...