Using Knowledge and Evidence to Support Study

What is the role of a nurse in obesity management and prevention?

The aim of this assignment is to outline the role of nurses in obesity management and prevention. The question, ‘what is the role of a nurse in obesity management and prevention?’ arose from the case study written by Sara Kirk in 2003 which talks about diet and weight management. The question will be investigated by conducting a literature search to identify relevant information. The importance of using evidence that has been thoroughly researched when finding ways of preventing and managing obesity will also be explained.

For nurses and other health professionals to be able to help the public to manage and prevent obesity effectively they have to use evidence- based practice (EBP). EBP combines scientific research, patient preferences, clinical expertise and expert opinions and this allows healthcare professionals to decide on the best care to provide to patients based on the best available evidence (Dearholt and Dang, 2012). EBP saves time, reduces cost, produces more positive results (Dearholt and Dang 2012) and it also gives the patients a better experience of illness and good quality care (Craig and Smyth, 2007). Providing care based on evidence that has been thoroughly researched where this is available give nurses confidence because they know that they provide quality care based on evidence rather than tradition (Craig and Smyth 2007).

Patients might want to know why nurses have chosen a particular way to care for them and they expect them to know.   Using evidence based practice will enable nurses to explain clearly to the patients why a particular procedure has to be followed or performed (Aveyard and Sharp, 2009). Nurses will have confidence to explain because they know they have evidence to support their actions. While it is important to give a clear reason for the care you provide, it is also important to provide practice based on the best available up to date evidence....