Unit 504 Applying Theories and Principles for Planning and Enabling Learning

Unit 504 Applying theories and principles for planning and enabling learning
Level 5
1. Understanding the application of theories and principles of learning and communication to inclusive learning and teaching
Assessment Criteria
1.1 Analyse the factors that can affect learning and achievement.

Most of the facts on this topic will most be based on the Tomlison report (2004) (Cited in Hodgson and Spours, 2008)   from which the Every Child Matters policy emanated tries to explain factors that affect learning and achievement. This report highlights on being healthy, where the emphasis is not on the part of the trainer but that the activities and wellbeing of the trainee outside of the training room do actually play a part in the ultimate performance of the learners. The Institute For Learning (IFL) (2008) dictates that trainers shall take reasonable care to ensure that the safety and wellbeing of the learners, comply with the relevant statutory provisions to support their wellbeing and development. The report mentions that when trainees feel safe and appreciated, they tend to be more participative and learn more through positive contribution without fear of being patronised. Things that happen outside the class could also be the economic status of the trainees where we are saying the performance might be affected if they are constantly thinking about things as when they are getting or where they are getting financial assistance. Here the trainer might choose referring to the financial adviser or the appropriate department to assist to get the trainee’s full attention.
As previously discussed, information about the trainee and how they prefer to learn is usually collected during the initial and diagnostic assessments which will give a reflection of ascertaining information regarding literacy, language, numeracy and computer skills. If these skills are not ascertained, it then makes it difficult to plan sessions to meet individual needs and/or arrange further...