Unit 332(1.2) an Explanation of the Expectations About Your Own Work Role as Expressed in Relevant Standards

1.2     An explanation of the expectations about your own work role as expressed in relevant   standards
Unit 301:1   The principles of developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults
To develop positive relationships we need to effectively communicate by the way we approach and respond when dealing with children, young people and adults. The beneficial support given by parents and other adults will be more effective if communication is strong. The way you relate with people is important, misunderstandings and bad feelings arise when good communication breaks down. To build a good relationship with children and adults they have to be comfortable in your presence, otherwise they will try to avoid you wherever possible.
We build relationships in school in many different ways, by showing respect and listening to what others have to say, by being considerate and understanding in different situations, to be assertive when communicating information, especially when talking to children by getting them to repeat back what you have asked of them.
Communication needs to be adapted in different situations. Speaking is not the only way in which we can communicate with people, responding to emails or phone messages, body language and the way we dress can all be misread and can cause issues. Different cultures have their own behaviours and should be respected for what their beliefs are.

Unit 301:2   Understand how to communicate with children, young people and adults

Effective communication is vital when talking with children and young people as they learn through the responses of others. Pupils should be given plenty of opportunities to talk so that they can build their confidence and express themselves. Paying attention and making eye contact shows that you are listening....