Unit 028 Cypw Level 3

Unit 028
Develop positive relationships with children, young people and others involved in their care
LO 1 be able to develop positive relationships with children and young people
Assessment criteria 1
explain why positive relationships with children and young people are important and how these are built and maintained
Building a positive relationship with a child is important in order to work with them. If a child feels comfortable in a setting it can make it easier to separate the child from parents and from there participate in play and learning activities, this will be down to a secure relationship with one or many adults, giving the child emotional security inside the setting. Having a strong positive relationship with a child can also help with developing speech as they will feel more comfortable to try and communicate. A strong positive relationship can make it easier for a practitioner to respond to a child by recognising emotions and expressions, and being able to respond to the child's needs.
A way of maintaining a strong positive relationship with a child is through the use of a key person. Children are assigned a key person who will share a close bond with the child and sometimes also their family. During the time the child is present at the setting the key person acts as a surrogate in place of the parents. This is a good way to maintain a positive relationship as it is one person that is continually working with a child and then becomes more comfortable and relaxed around the adult and helps with development such as speech, and other learning capabilities, due to having a positive relationship.

Assessment Criteria 3
evaluate own effectiveness in building relationships with children or young people
As a practitioner in a pre-school it Is important to try to build positive relationships with as many as children as possible. Working at lunchtime it is important to have strong relationships with a lot of children so that I am able to know...