Understanding Variour Special Educational Needs

12.11, 12.12, 12.13, 12.14

Understanding Various Special Educational Needs

In this assignment I’ve researched many Special Educational Needs, the various signs which may come with the condition and the different methods that could be used to support specific SEN.   I’ll explain my understanding of how to overcome communication barriers and learning difficulties within the school and how, as a Teaching Assistant, I can give my support.

12.11, 12.12

Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

ASD is a complex developmental disability that affects the way a person can communicate and relate to others. The word spectrum is used as the condition will affect people in different ways; although there are 3 main area’s of difficulty that occurs:
• Difficulty with social communication
• Difficulty with social interaction
• Difficulty with social imagination

This condition can vary from person to person, some people can have accompanying learning difficulties, while others are able, with average or above average intelligence.   ASD is a lifelong disability, children with the condition will grow into adults with the condition.   People with ASD like to follow set routines and can become very upset if they are disrupted.   People with ASD do not look disabled, so children are often thought to be ‘naughty’.

Children with difficulty in social communication

“For people with autistic spectrum disorders, ‘body language’ can appear just as foreign as if people were speaking ancient Greek” (National Autistic Society)

Many people with ASD often take what people say very literally   e.g., common phrases like “it’s cool”, to them, may mean cold, but it may have been meant as good.   They find it difficult to read facial expressions or your tone of voice and don’t understand jokes or sarcasm.   Often people with ASD may not speak or have limited speech, although can understand what people are saying to them, preferring to communicate by sign language or visual symbols....