Understand Safeguarding of Children and Young People (for Those Working in the Adult Sector)

Understand safeguarding of children and young people
(for those working in the adult sector)
1.1 Understand the policies, procedures and practices for safe working with children and young people.
All adults who come into contact with children and young people in their work have a duty of care to safeguard and promote their welfare. (The Children Act 2004, through the Stay Safe outcome of the Every Child Matters Change for Children programme, places a duty on organisations to safeguard and promote the well-being of children and young people. This includes the need to ensure that all adults who work with or on behalf of children and young people in these organisations are competent, confident and safe to do so. ) Policies and procedures are set in place to not only protect children and young people but also adults who work with them,   it is vital that all professionals follow safe working practices to ensure that not only children are protected but also themselves. E.g. if a disclosure is made by a child to a member of staff it is vital that is always taken seriously even if it is proven to be untrue or inaccurate. The child or young person should be listened to in calm and supportive manner which will allow them to talk freely and openly, it is also imperative that they are reassured about telling someone and how hard it must have been for them. Once the disclosure has been made and the child is calmed and secure, the employee or adult should inform the designated safeguarding officer, relevant notes should be written down in the child’s own words including names that were mentioned, time and place of disclosure and place and background of the disclosure.    The vast majority of adults who work with children act professionally and aim to provide a safe and supportive environment, which secures the well-being and very best outcomes for children and young people in their care. It is recognised that achieving this aim is not always straightforward and sometimes...