Level 5 Develop and Implement Policies and Procedures to Support the Safeguarding of Children and Young People

When a child dies from abuse or neglect , the local inter-agency group responsible for child protection conduct a review to identify how local professionals and organisations can improve the way they work together to safeguard children. (NSPCC)
The purpose of serious case reviews are to establish what lessons are to be learnt from the case about what ways local professionals and organisations work individually and together to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children. It helps to indentify clearly what those lessons are both within and between agencies, how and within the timescales they will be acted on, and what is expected to change as a result. It should improve different agencies working together and to improve the safeguarding and promote the welfare of children. Serious case review is also set up to improve how they can work better together to ensure nothing like that happens again.
Through reviewing the likes of the Victoria Climbie or Baby P cases we use these to inform policy development and we use it to train staff to have good practice and teach practitioners their areas of responsibilities. .
One case in particular resulted in a serious case review that went on to change some of the legislation on safeguarding children, the case of Victoria Climbie.   Victoria Cimbie was an 8 year girl sent to live with her aunt. Victoria was abused by her aunt and her boyfriend. They burned her with cigarettes, tied her up for long periods and beat her with bicycle chains among other things. Although Victoria was seen by the local NSPCC, police, social services and a number of doctors the signs of abuse were recorded but no further action was taken.   After her death Lord Lamming headed a serious case review into the facts surrounding her death. His findings lead to serious changes being made in the child protection legislation in the United Kingdom.
As a member of the management team within my setting it is my part of my role to ensure that all my staff...