The Huashan Mountain

Huashan mountain
  With the yellow river to the north and the qinling mountain range at the back to the south, huashan mountain stands in the south of Huayin county, 120 kilometers east of xi’an. It’s famous for its precipitousness (prɪˈsɪpɪtəsnis).
  There are five peaks of huashan mountain: the morning sun peak, the lotus flower peak, the jade lady peak, the wild goose-resting peak and the cloudy terrace ['terәs] peak. From a distance, these five peaks look like a lotus flower among the mountains, hence it got the name of huashan mountain.
  The yuquan garden is located at the entrance of the valley on the hillside north of huashan mountain. It is the starting point to go to the top. Inside the garden there is a cool, sweet spring; hence its name jade spring garden. The old pines border the winding paths , and give deep shade. Reconstruction was carried out during the reign of emperor qian long. It makes the whole garden look nice and beautiful today. The stone tablets are inscribed with valuable calligraphy.
  Now here is qingke terrace, you can look around dongdao and tongxian temples.
  After the visitation of qingke terrace, you will soon pass a huge rock named turn back. And you are going to find yourself at the bottom of the thousand foot precipice ˈpresɪpɪs 悬崖. Next is the hundred foot crevice. It is said that if one man were guarding the pass at this point, 1000 people would be unable to get through. And after that, you will get laojun’s furrow. Nearly 500 steps are made up from the bottom part of the furrow. It has a legend that laozi, the founder of Taoism, once drove his ox to this place and ploughed plau the furrow in only one night. At the end of the furrow, he is said to have hung his plough. Soon you will finally teach the north peak. It has only one hill that leads to the south with three sides disconnected with anywhere, and it is fairly steep.
  The next stop is canglong ridge, which was also known as ni ridge or jia ridge in ancient...