The Chip

The Chip
Everyone who is a legal citizen of the United States of America has to get a chip embedded into their arm. This chip is going to take good care of the people. No longer will you have to worry about bringing your wallet or information anywhere. It will forever be with you. Any information you need, will be kept in this chip and just by one scan you can have everything up on a computer screen. The days of paper and swiping cards are over. All your transactions are going to be through your chip. Even your bank account will be attached to your chip. If you want to buy something at the store they just scan your chip and it’s that easy. The chip will be in your arm and scanned from the top of your hand. Just put your hand out and it will be scanned for whatever you need.
I know people may be hesitant of this, but there is no need to cut down any more trees or waste paper when we have technology like this. I’m sure some people may have concerns with safety and security. This will be safer than just swiping your credit card. It causes no harm to the body and there is no pain when the chip is first inserted. This is going to keep good organization of everyone in the United States. There will be no more criminals on the loose or any dangerous people to the society. If you are wanted for a crime you will easily be looked up and your location will be found. This is going to be a safe efficient way to keep track of everything. The government will not be allowed into your personal life besides your birth certificate, social security card, and driver’s license.
Crime in the United States is going to drop drastically. No one will be able to get away with anything, the chip will always be able to find you and identify you. The government will never be in your personal life though, only cases where need be. Say you wanted to get a job, you could go in for the interview and have all your information on your chip and you could even make access to your resume through...