Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and Training

1.1 Analyse own role and responsibilities in education and training.

Traditionally the role of the teacher / educator has been the giver of information to children growing up at school. They were seen as the oracle of knowledge and knew everything about everything. It is not until leaving school when our formal education ended and we then started our education in the real world. Some would say that this is when we start our real education, our life education with lessons that we would never forget and we would either sink or swim.

This is no longer the case as there are many establishments now available for the student who wants to improve their education or just try a new skill or even go back to school to gain the qualifications they did not achieve during their early years.

The very fact that adults want to learn is a factor in the changing mind set of those that thought education was only to be carried out at school in our youth. Teachers and trainers now form the backbone of adult education either in an educational establishment like a colleges and universities to those who deliver on site training to the work force.

Roles and responsibilities

My direct role, and what I aim to achieve with every course is to deliver effective teaching but maintaining an inclusive, equitable and motivating learning environment, giving plenty of feedback and guidance, planning, organising and managing varied learning experiences and collaborating with other individuals, agencies and organisations.

As a teacher, predominantly in educational qualifications, my role is to ensure that all my students get the best possible instruction, guidance and advice. Ultimately their aims and goals are mine as well, however it must be remembered that not all learners will be at the same level of competence or understanding and all will have differing learning styles. My other roles may be as a facilitator of information or as a planner for the programme they are attending....