Teaching Assistant

Before the lesson began, I would identify where the percussion instruments were stored and having checked that they were in good repair and unlikely to cause injury, I would ask the teacher what she wanted to get out of the lesson   and what her preparation requirements were. I would check which instruments were required, and if there were any handouts to be given out, or prepared in advance. Counting   the instruments available, and how many of each type, would   enable me to identify whether there was enough for each child, or whether they would be working in pairs. I would also identify with the teacher at this stage if there were any factors regarding any children that may need to be considered i.e keeping an eye on a child with hearing aids.

I would check that the instruments were not broken or any dirty mouthpieces before setting out. I would make sure that   the instructions were close to hand and and that I was able to use the instruments, to enable me to be confident in helping the children during the lesson, and to be a positive role model.

Prior to setting up the instruments I would check that the classroom was tidy and safe to ensure a safe environment, and maximise learning, and arrange the classroom in a suitable manner. If any of instruments were big and heavy i.e. drums or xylophones, I would use on the floor to prevent any falling off the tables and causing injury. I would identify what percussion instruments were available and make a label next to each type so that the children were aware of the names of all of them. This would make them inviting and able to be used straight after safety instructions given to the children. If there were any written handouts or instructions I would go through point by point at the start of the lesson and ask if the children had any questions relating.   This would be kept to a couple of minutes to prevent the children from losing interest or concentration.

I would demonstrate how the instruments work and...