Tda 2.14 1.3

TDA 2.14
Religions can impact children’s food choices because each religion has different believes in what they can eat and drink, for example : Jewish people only eat kosher lamb, beef and chicken and don’t eat meat with dairy and are prepared away from meat. Muslims only eat halal meat, fish and shellfish and don’t eat pork or dairy that contains rennet.
Children’s culture can also determine what there is to eat, and the times to eat. And if you're a part of a tribal culture and or live in suburban areas, food choices are low, they might gain lots of germs or infections from eating animals straight after you kill them. Culture for some people is not boundaries of eating other foods but, just eating certain foods apart of their diet.
Health conditions could also impact children’s food choices because if a child has diabetes it would prevent them from eating to much sugary foods or needed to eat more sugary food in their diet. Binge eating is an eating disorder where a person feels compelled to overeat on a regular basis through regular binges could also impact children’s food choices. Gluten free diets would also make an impact on food choice as they cannot eat all-purpose flour, bleached flour, bran, couscous, wheat bran and wheat starch. Lactose tolerance would have an impact on food choices as they cannot have food or drinks that contain lactose examples would be cheese, all milk, yoghurts and margarine. Being vegetarian would have an impact of food choices as they don’t eat any meat and fish and do not eat food that was cooked with meat or fish.
TDA 2.14 2.1
The benefits of eating healthy would be develop strong bones, grow healthily, concentrate at school, maintain a healthy weight and stay active and alert and on long term basis eating healthy from childhood to adulthood would also hold significant benefits, help to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, Heart disease, stroke, joint problems, breathing...