Sustainable Development

The concept of sustainable development is to raise global awareness on the need to protect the environment, her resources and how the socio-economic problems which include poverty and inequality, fail to promote a futile future for coming generations ( Hopwood et al., 2003). This concept is embedded and expressed in the Brundtland Report released by the United Nations which defines sustainable development as “development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (WCED, 1987).
Brundtland’s definition is seen as a solid foundation to sustainable development but fails to examine how to implement it (Cowell et al., 1999) thus leaving a certain ambiguity (Wackernagel and Rees, 1996) and conflicting understanding of sustainable development (any reference?). This is why sustainable development would require policies that would be coherent and interdependent in development processes and consider the three pillars of sustainable development which are the social, economic and environmental constituents and the main ideas of these will be to eradicate poverty, promote fairness and social justice and the ability to meet up human demands and needs ( Hopwood et al., 2003).
Sustainable development has become an important factor of planning, environmental protection, and remediation efforts worldwide, and the ways in which countries will achieve this will vary among the different economic and political systems around the world ( NRC, 1995).   The unavailability of a blue print has   leadto development of several viewpoints by   academics, industrialists and government employees on the applicability of sustaintable development to the minerals and mining sector. (is there a reference?) 
Sustainability key to mining and minerals
Minerals are essential to everyday life (for what? Or do you mean mining products? Eg?), and are also vital raw materials in a large number of industries. Extraction...