Support Children and Young People to Have Positive Relationships

Identify the different relationships children and young people may have

We all have a natural need to connect with other people and to belong to social groups to be able to achieve more and flourish (if a relationship is appropriate).
There are various different relationship children and young people might be involved with, such as:
-parental, siblings, family members, carers;
- Friendship, acquaintance, enemy;
-professional (teachers, social workers, doctors);
They all might be either positive or negative, depends on mix of factors such as: environment, role models, strength of one’s character and various others. As professionals we should discretely monitor the impact of the relationship on people we are involved with and react accordingly if there is a need to.

Unit 094, 1.1

Explain the importance of positive relationships for development and well-being

The importance of positive relationship for development and well-being cannot be overestimated. It has a huge impact on individual life, on every single level of it. Good relationships will for example promote child’s welfare; will ensure consistent care and loving, supportive environment, will identify and promote child’s needs. Good relationship will also help solving problems, build identity, and create effective care and educational plans.

There is lots of strong evidence showing dependence between positive relationships and feeling that you belong.

Unit 094 1.2

Explain the possible effects of children having restricted or superposed contact in order to maintain relationships

The purpose of contact is always about meeting the child’s needs and promoting a positive and enjoyable experience if and when possible. It is also about maintaining, building and/or developing relationships important to the child or young person to provide support, continuity and a sense of belonging. Assessment and opportunities for family based intervention, behaviour management,...