
The New Kingdom period was established as a result of the wars of liberations. This was due to the presence of foreigners, Hyksos on Egypt soil based at Avaris. Egypt was divided with enemies to the North and South. Egypt was also divided into Power, influence, wealth which was reduced as well as access to resources and trade. The last rules who were Theban princes of the 17th Dynasty were Seqenenre Tao IIs mummy that he probably began the conflict with the Hyksos and Kamose had some success but it was Ahmose who completed the liberation of Egypt and established the New Kingdom period; which was a period of wealth, stability and expansion of Egyptian influence into Nubia and the Near East.
Sources for this period are few and fragmentary and not known exactly which of the Theban princes of the Seventeenth Dynasty first took up against the Hyksos or why. However, there are two pieces of evidence which suggest that it might have been King Seqenenre Tao II who come first came into conflict with the Hyksos king, Apophis. Seqenenre Tao II’s head is covered with wounds which suggest that he might have been killed on the battlefield. There is a dagger wound behind one ear, his nose and cheek were smashed by a mace-like weapon and the bone above his forehead was apparently cut through with a battle axe. A later folk story relates how King Apophis sent an insulting letter to Seqenenre Tao, complaining that the hippopotamus of Thebes were keeping him alive in Thebes. We have no evidence of what this letter meant, but it may have been some mythological connotation. The hippopotamus was an animal sacred to the god ‘Seth’ whom Apophis worshipped.  
Kamose was the successor of Seqenenre Tao II and is generally regarded as the last king of the Seventeenth Dynasty. When Kamose came to throne in Thebes, he outlined to his counted of nobles a play of action against the Hyksos. The Hyksos king sent an urgent message to the prince of Nubia for help, promising him that if they...