Sex Education

Sex Education
Should sex education be taught in schools? That is the question that runs through the minds of many uncertain yet concerned parents. Does sex education create the wrong impression upon the minds of children, or is it actually preparing them with the facts? Would ignorance be better than education? The answer to these questions is clear. It has simply been hidden within numerous perspectives and underlying facts.
Many people do consider sex education a dangerous influence upon the minds of teenagers. One of the morally wrong things it teaches teenagers, they believe, is how to enjoy unlawful, sexual intercourse without having a baby and feeling guilty. Therefore, the courses are also promoting an acceptance of a sexually driven behavior that doesn't produce a baby--homosexuality, masturbation, and all varieties of contraception. Subsequently, they also believe, that in the long run the children are taught that being sexually active is normal and not being sexually active is abnormal.
Parents may also tend to fear that, if the sex education classes are encouraging sexual behavior that doesn't result with a baby, their children may become more "liberal or tolerant of the sexual behavior" of others. Will they gain a greater acceptance of homosexuality and masturbation? Well, why not? It is out there. It's not like we can hide the children from people who are homosexual and masturbate forever. Besides, they are people, too; and everyone is equal--"every man is created equal"--Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
Another great fear is the idea that teenagers will become more comfortable with the idea of their future spouses having had sexual relations with someone else. Critics criticized the near unanimity of experts who believed that the discouragement off all non-marital activity was unimportant when it came to the views expressed in class. Yet, these same critics would probably be appalled if they only knew that some experts even believe that...