Scenario I

I think that positive reinforcement is the best tool to overcoming the problem behaviors of employees. Positive reinforcement “is the process of strengthening a behavior by contingently presenting something pleasurable.” (Kreitner & Kinicki, pg. 257) In this case the supervisor can modify the behavior of the three employees by using motivation and appreciation for the effort of these three employees for being on time. If the unwanted behavior cannot be reduced with positive reinforcement, negative consequences are used like punishment, extinction and warning.    

Operant behavior is the “learned, consequence-shaped behavior” (pg. 257) and could be a tool that helps to shape Sam’s annoying whistling. I think that when we have noisy coworkers who make it hard for us to focus on our job, the best response is to simply be direct. Sometimes the noisy coworkers don’t realize they’re causing a distraction, and how frustrating is for the rest of the staff, so rather than being frustrated, it can be more helpful to speak up. For example every time that Sam start whistling just ask Sam to please lower the sound of his whistling because is hard to focus. If Sam’s coworkers keep gradually asking the same request he will be conditioned to think that whenever he see a coworker standing near their cubical it means that he has to either stop or at least lower the noise of his whistling. Plus, I think it’s a very reasonable request to make in a professional setting.

I can easily relate to this scenario, English is my second langue and public speaking or presentations at class or workplace are a real challenge. I think that one tool that is very helpful for me is feedback from my supervisor or professor. I think that feedback about what are doing well and what I need to improve, and tips and techniques help to develop my skills. Feedback is the exchange of information helps to motivate and support. Helps to achieve the standards...