Reinforcement Theory

Reinforcement Theory

I would use the reinforcement theory to motivate my employees.   I find that this theory works, because everyone likes to be rewarded.   I think that reinforcement is something that the majority of people learn as children, i.e. if you do your chores you will receive an allowance, if you don’t do your chores you won’t get your allowance.  
Reinforcement Theory when used properly, rewards inspire and boost employees, but when used incorrectly they can demotivate and sometimes even antagonism them.   The reinforcement theory says that behavior is a function of its consequences, which actions followed by positive consequences will happen more frequently than those behaviors that are followed by negative consequences.   The components of the reinforcement theory are positive reinforcement, because it strengthens behavior by rewarding these behaviors with desirable consequences.   In using negative reinforcement, it strengthens behavior by withholding a negative consequence when an employee exhibits a specific behavior.  
In today’s world, many people are motivated by money while others are motivated by a pat on the back or recognition for a job well done.   For me personally, I am motivated by both, being that I work on a salary plus commission, explain the monetary motivation, but what really gets me motivated is when my boss is thankful for the job that I do and that she recognizes what I have done.   Being that this is what works for me, I feel that this would be the practice that I would choose in motivating my employees.  
Everyone wants to feel appreciated in what they do, and a pat on the back or monetary reward can both motivate employees.