Qualitative Article


Marquez Gibson
Liberty University

The title of the article being reviewed is “ARE MATH JOURNALS EFFECTIVE?” The article is written by Blake Palmer. The purpose of the study was to determine if implementing journals in mathematics classroom will significantly impact test scores. The study was conducted in the third grade classroom of a low socioeconomic school in LaGrange, GA. The study did obtain validity, reliability, dependability, and an absence of bias. The data gathered from the study was analyzed by the focus question in which it was gathered for and the data was analyzed holistically. The holistic analysis focused on the concepts of validation, credibility, transferability, and transformational qualities (Palmer, 2011).
      The students involved with this research study were all third grade students of mixed ability levels. The students came from one home room class and totaled 12. Of the 12, 9 students were male and 3 were female. The racial composition of the class was 10 African American and 2 Caucasian students (Palmer, 2011). All of the students whom participated in the survey were eligible for free and reduced lunch. The students were chosen for the study were the researcher students. The students from the researcher classroom served as both the control and treatment group. There were also 12 teachers who participated in an anonymous survey. The teachers all taught in grades three through five. The instructional plan was also reviewed by a building level administrator from the researcher school. The recurring themes that emerged from all responses of the rubric, interview, and faculty review were (1) student motivation was not addressed, (2) how will mathematical vocabulary be taught,(3) preparation for journal writing, and (4) vagueness of the rubric. The research would have more catalytic validity and referential adequacy.

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