Process Improvement Organizational Management

Process Improvement Plan
Seasonal Factors
The effects of seasonal factors can delay the morning process significantly.   Some seasonal factors include the flu season as well as weather conditions.   During the flu season, a trip to the physician’s office may be necessary, adding additional time to the process.   Further, when it is raining, traffic conditions worsen, increasing the travel time.   The opposite is also true, when the weather is nice and sunny, working individuals are more likely to take public transportation, which free up the freeways from traffic congestion.
Confidence Intervals
Throughout the past five weeks, data was captured to determine if there a minimum of a 95% confidence interval.   Based on the historical data and the analysis performed, the results can be used as a guide to forecast how the process will continue and the success of it occurring as planned.
                      In conclusion, this paper explained the control limits of the process, the effects of any seasonal factors and the confidence intervals.   All factors are taken into consideration to make an informed decision in improving this process.   As a result, the daily morning routine can be refined to result in a more effective and efficient process.

Process improvement is the act of advancing business interests by refining the structure of operations in an organization, as opposed to solving problems singularly. Instead of looking only at what has been happening, staff is encouraged to examine how circumstances are being formed, taking into account all peripheral elements affecting current conditions. Process improvement moves attention away from fault-finding or assigning blame and toward working as a team to eliminate wasteful activities and streamline productivity.

Read more: What Is a Process Improvement Plan? |