
Evaluate the role and methods of the archaeologists (19th-20th Century) who have worked at Pompeii.

Giuseppe Fiorelli worked in Pompeii between the late 1840’s to the 1870’s. His contributions are some of the most influential and important to Pompeian society. He introduced a method of naming and numbering houses and buildings. He divided the town into nine regions, each containing up to 22 blocks or insulaes. Each entrance in each block was given a number. In this way, each building could be identified by three numbers E.g. V.13.26.V = Region, 13 = block and 26 = the entrance. This is the system that the people of Pompeii adapted which helped in their everyday lives as each section was sectioned which allowed easy access for the people. There is documentation of artifacts; which helped Fiorelli in the slow uncovering of houses from top down and left paintings in place when possible. He injected liquid plaster into cavities from victims’ bodies, furniture, food, animals and other materials to make plaster casts.

Amedeo Maiuri 1924, Maiuri was installed as the chief archaeologist of Pompeii, serving as director until 1961. Maiuri’s work in Pompeii was revolutionary ashes exposed many remains, and proposed chronologies, that are still at the focus of discussion. Amedeo Maiuri’s work focused on one of excavations below the destruction level when he chose to excavate one of the most famous houses of Pompeii, the House of the surgeon. Maiuri was the first archaeologist to excavate below the destruction level. This meant that he was able to uncover much more of Pompeii, raising public interest in the process.
-He discovered the Cave of the Cumaean Sibyl May 1932
- Excavated Villa Jovis
- His book L’anfoteatro flavio puteolano (1955), is considered to be the definitive monograph on the subject of the flavian Amphitheatre in Pozzuoli.

Wallace-Hadrill's approach is more scientific than some methods which have been tried, such as relating a town's population to...