Physics in My World


According to the Oxford Dictionary, Physics can be defined as the branch of science dealing with the properties and interactions of matter and energy. The science of physics plays an important part of everyday life in our world. It is the basis of our measurement system, the explanation to how things move (kinematics), the foundation for harnessing and producing electric currents and many more. For this research, I’ve chosen to focus on Benjamin Franklin’s introduction of electricity and how it is being used in today’s society.
Benjamin Franklin is known worldwide for his unusual experiment of flying a kite joined with a key, during a thunderstorm in 1752. It was during this experiment that he discovered the linkage between lightning and electricity. Due to Benjamin Franklin’s discovery, the principles of electricity became better understood. In the 1800’s, electricity was taken to another level by harnessing its energy to control the light source. Here, the first electric light was invented by Humphrey Davy. The 1800 has held many improvements of the light bulb, ending with Thomas Edison’s bulb, which could glow for over 1500 hours. Also invented in the 1800’s was the electric battery by Alessandro Volta whom the “volt” is named after.
There have also been many more inventions, which stemmed from the revelation of electricity, such as electric motors, hydroelectric stations, electric alternator, and steam turbine generators, the majority of which are used to harness electricity’s power. In 1826, the connection between power, voltage, current, and resistance was explained by Georg Ohm, which is now referred to as Ohms Law. In 1831, Michael Faraday led experiments, which proved that electricity could be induced by changes in an electromagnetic field, thus leading to an understanding of electrical transformers. In 1884, Nikola Tesla invented an electric alternator responsible for producing alternating current (AC).