Philophical Foundation



Introduction:- Man is always curious to know:

his origin,

his aim,

his relationship with god,

his destiny etc. &

this constant effort of man to understand reality may be termed as philosophy. It is an attempt to unfold life.s mysteries and find meaning in them. Hence it is called the Mother of all Arts and the Science of all Sciences.

. Etymological meaning:-

Greek origin :- .Philos. + .Sophia.

(Love) (Wisdom)

i.e. Philosophy = love for wisdom.

Sanskrit origin :- .drish. = .to see.

i.e. Darshan = knowledge of reality.

. Definitions

Indian philosophers:

Dr. Radhakrishnan - Philosophy is a logical inquiry into the nature of reality.

Dr. Baldev upadhyaya - Methodical training or .Sadhana..

Humayun Kabir . Philosophy seeks to give knowledge of the whole.

Western Philosophers:

Raymant : An unceasing effort to discover the general truth that lies behind the particular facts.

John Dewey: Critical reviewing of the familiar things.

Alexander: It is metaphysics & also an attempt to study comprehensive topics like reality and universe.

Nature of philosophy:

1) Philosophy is systematic enquiry about the ultimate reality of the universe.

2) Philosophy is study of general principles & understanding of all that comes in the range of human experience.

Educational Implications

1) Purpose of schooling:

Promotes spiritual & intellectual development; Produce competent & self-actualized adults who become useful citizens of the state.

2) Curriculum:

Stresses the eternal ideas of the past (great works of literature, philosophy, politics, history & the art) Preferred methods of instruction: lecture, discussion, reflection & the socratic method (dialogue)

3) Nature of Learner: Every student has a mind, soul, and spirit capable of emulating the Absolute Mind, absorbing ideas from books & teachers.

4) Role of teacher:

Role model with logical...