Pgce. Managing the Learning Process

‘Young people today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age’. Peter the Hermit.(1274.)[cited in Watkins 2008]

Every Child Matters (ECM; HM government 2003) identified the need to look after the well being of children up to 19 years of age. There are five key outcomes including Being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and economic well being. The green paper Youth Matters (2005) was a development of ECM aiming for post-compulsory providers to raise young people’s aspirations and help them to achieve and feel positive towards learning.
Every student deserves the best education possible. Some students are highly motivated, ready to contribute to lessons and willing to apply themselves but often the desire to learn may need inspiring and a lack of self discipline may be evident. Cowley (2001) feels that some students (especially in Further Education when they may lack structure in their home lives) need boundaries and structure to give them a feeling of solidarity and may feel the need to test adults to see how far these boundaries can be stretched.
New and student teachers can easily be discouraged   when students are unwilling to participate and decide to disrupt lessons. Engaging all students is vital to keep the classroom as a teaching environment and not a disciplinary one.
Jaques and Salmon (2007) (cited in Avis, 2010) suggested that many incidents are due to lack of structure in sessions. A transition between activities allows learners to pursue their own agenda. Challenging behaviour can indicate boredom and it can also be a signal that learners are not placed on the right course or the level of learning is not appropriate. Consequently their behaviour amuses others and encourages ‘herd’ behaviour.
After being given a class of 16/17 year olds   to teach for a 2 hour session with only 10 minutes notice and instruction to ‘help them with their case studies’ laptop computers...