Persepolis Analysis

Intro to Literature  
Persepolis Chapter Investigation

Innocence Lost to Exposure

We are all born with a clean slate, innocent and trusting.   Over time, people scribble messages, the world draws explicit pictures, and the media coughs up chalk dust until the slate is no longer clean and new.   It is through exposure and experience that we are forced to give up our childish thinking and learn to survive in the world in which we were born into.   Marjane Satrapi was born into a world on the brink of a revolution and a war.   She was forced to grow up in order to understand the events taking place around her.   In her book, Persepolis, Marjane traces her childhood in Iran and reveals how her innocence was lost to exposure during the war.  
“I was born with religion… At the age of six I was already sure I was the last prophet” (Satrapi, 6).   Marjane was an innocent and imaginative child, brought up in a house filled with religious teachings.   She even wrote her own “Holy Book,” sure that she would someday become the greatest prophet.   God was her friend; she had a very personal relationship with him.   “Every night, I had a big discussion with God” (Satrapi, 8).   God had a face, an embodiment that Marjane could relate to as a child.   However, this childish innocence quickly faded with the rising revolution in Iran.
“The year of the revolution I had to take action, so I put my prophetic destiny aside for a while” (Satrapi, 10).   God visited her less often after she became interested in war.   She was still naïve to the workings of government and the methods behind the revolution, but she wanted to be involved.   She believed what she was taught in school.   “As for me, I love the King, he was chosen by God” (Satrapi, 19).   This greatly upset her parents because they had been demonstrating against the king every day.   So Marji’s father enlightened her on the events that brought the king to power and how he took away all of her grandfather’s belongings.   She began to...