
UNIT 232
Move and position individuals in accordance with their plan of care

2. Understand legislation and agreed ways of working when moving and positioning individuals
2.1. Describe how legislation and agreed ways of working affect working practices related to moving and positioning individuals.
Legislation that is relevant includes the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations; this introduced the requirement for risk assessment, risks when moving and positioning individuals must be assessed, acted on and reviewed; also all staff must be trained in moving and positioning individuals. The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) introduced the requirement for employers to provide lifting equipment that is safe to use and maintained; staff must also be provided with training. The Manual handling Operations Regulations for employers states that they must carry out risk assessments for all moves and reduce the risk of injuries from happening and avoid dangerous moving and handling; the employees’ responsibilities include using all equipment as trained to do so, follow all health and safety working practices and avoid putting themselves or other staff, individuals or visitors at risk, reporting any hazards or risks to their employer.
Agreed ways of working mean that employers must have workplace policies and procedures for moving and handling; these must be explained to staff and staff provided with training and supervision. It is also important that all employees, read these procedures, if they do not understand ask, that they attend training, are supported with understanding all individuals’ needs, the moves needed and all equipment being used.

References; The Manual Handling Training – Moving and Handling Course