No Blood

Kaylee Furiasse
Ms. Perry
4th Period
Blood Transfusions
Blood transfusions have been used for centuries. But now, in the 21st century, more and more studies are being done regarding the use of blood in a medical procedure. Many of these studies have proven what the blood can do to the body. Doctors who once used blood are looking for bloodless alternatives because they have realized the dangers of using blood. The following paragraphs will help all to become aware of the risks that go along with having a blood transfusion. These paragraphs will give patients and doctors the incite about the bodies reaction to the blood, the complications in technology that cause patients to be infected with viruses and/or diseases, and they will address the reason some believe that blood is the best option for themselves, their families, or their patients.
Every person that walks into a doctors office or a hospital is different in many ways. Everyone has a different hair style, different shoes, different color eyes, but one thing that people have taken for granted is that everyone has a different type of blood just like fingerprints(BT How Safe). Yes, experts have categorized blood into four different categories A, B, AB and O. But, no ones blood is identical to someone else’s blood. This is why there are so many risks that need to be considered by all patients and doctors. One risk is that you can have serious immune system reactions (Quality Alternatives to T). The patients immune system will create antibodies to fight the blood cells that the patients body does not recognize. This means that the blood that was just transfused into the patient will be diminished and the patient may be in an even worse condition now that their body is fighting the transfusion (Zieve). Now that the patients immune system and clotting system has become very active the patient has the risk of going into shock, having kidney failure, having a circulatory collapse, and there is a...