Muslims and Christians -- a Study of Similarities

Muslims and Christians -- A Study of Similarities
The day is Tuesday, September 11th, 2001. The time is 8.45am, Eastern Daylight Savings Time when a hijacked passenger jet, American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston, Massachusetts crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York. Not more than fifteen minutes later, a second hijacked plane, United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center. By 10.30am both towers had collapsed. Two other hijacked planes, American Airlines Flight 77, and United Airlines Flight 93 respectively crashed into the Pentagon and Somerset County, Pennsylvania, southeast of Pittsburgh. Thousands of lives were reported to be dead as a consequence of these plane crashes, while thousands more were listed as missing.
The United States of America looked to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Center Intelligence Agency for answers. Evidence soon focused the attention of the people to Osama bin Laden and his group of terrorists, who claim to be anti-American because of their Islamic faith. This act of terrorism under the cloak of Islam has sullied the name of Islam, a religion whose name itself translates to peace. The world's Islamic community number one billion people. Muslims all around the world are being discriminated on account of the terrorist attacks because some non-Muslims do not understand Islam and thus fear it, and some others equate Islam with terrorism. It is then important for non-Muslims to understand that Islam does not promote terrorism but instead shares many religious aspects of other religions such as Christianity. Although Muslims claim that the founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ, is just a
prophet but Christians claim that Jesus is God, among other things, both Muslims and Christians have a similar history, promote good conduct, and practice monotheism.

The Old Testament of the Bible, the holy book of the Christians, mention the key figures in...