Most Significant Events After World War Ii

Most Significant Events
The five decades following the end of World War II were earmarked by lows and highs in the economy, social revision, policy modification, and substantial growth.   Each singular decade was symbolic with distinctive character and precise successes and failures.   Although the precise events provide more influence on the nation and the repercussions would last a long while American culture would be tarnished by 1950’s Eisenhower doctrine, 1960’s Cuban Missile Crisis, 1970’s Watergate Scandal, 1980’s Iran Negotiations, and 1990’s Healthcare Reform.
These specific events flourished on each other in connection to society’s over all attitude of the government, and founding America’s political reply whether in or out of the country. The distinction and aftermath of these events formed a sequence and mind set, which is surmised to continue throughout the approaching ten years of occurrences that will affect American’s temperament in regards to government, and the processes of government.
Undertaking of Power:
What was dubbed over the years as the “Eisenhower Doctrine” steamed in to action in 1957.   Upon scrutinizing the reality of the Cold War in respect to the Soviet Union and the continual situation in the Middle East, President Eisenhower sought out and was bestowed the power of military force involving each and every communist alteration seen in the Middle East by the United States congress.   President Eisenhower implemented this doctrine in 1958, thus paving the way for the United States Marines to be deployed to Lebanon as a consequence of reports the country being permeated by advocates of Egyptian leader Gamel Abdel Nasser.   Although the US State Department documented the danger it was not in reference to “Soviet armed attacks or major aggressions” but in response to an appeal from President Chamoon of Lebanon for troops to be sent to promote order (CF.US.Department of State, 2011).   This is a direct contradiction to...