
Safeguarding and Protection of Vulnerable adults.
Safeguarding the differences between the concept of safeguarding and the concept of protection in relation to vulnerable adults.

A vulnerable adult is defined as someone aged 18 or over; who is, or may be in the community services due to age, illness, or mental or physical disability. Who is or may be, unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of vulnerable adults is defined as:
  * protecting them from maltreatment
  * Preventing impairment of service users health or development
  * Ensuring that vulnerable adults are living in environments consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.
Safeguarding vulnerable adults can include any work or activity which aims to support vulnerable adults to retain independence, wellbeing and choice and to be able to live a life that is free from abuse or neglect. It is about promoting good practice when responding to specific concerns. Where abuse is suspected or alleged, then safeguarding vulnerable adult’s procedures can be used by the organisation and service to make sure that a consistent and comprehensive response is provided.
The concept of safeguarding vulnerable adults takes on the involvement of the whole community to keep individuals safe. “Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility that comes into contact with a vulnerable person and is our responsibility to raise an alert immediately should anything be out of the ordinary” This works best where professionals from different areas work together in an integrated way, sharing information, putting the individual at the centre of all activities to identify and meet their holistic needs.
Safeguarding should be continuum, where prevention and early intervention can help vulnerable adults and avoid problems turning into crisis.
whereas the concept of protection is more about putting in place a...