
162 Kirkmeadow
30th September 2014
Natalie Mendes
163 Belsize Avenue
Dear Natalie
Hope this letter finds you well. It was really lovely to see you the other day, I’m sorry I didn’t have time to spend longer discussing your next career move. I hope this letter helps to give you more insight into the term duty of care.   There are also many helpful websites out there, here are some you may want to take a look at; www.scie.org.uk, www.unison.org.uk.
The definition of duty of care is ‘ it is a legal obligation to; always act in the best interest of individuals and others, not act or fail to act in a way that results in harm, act within your competence and not take on anything you do not believe you can safely do. This breaks down to mean that as a social care worker you have a duty to ensure your clients have a good standard of care, and that their rights are protected. It is your responsibility to create and uphold an environment that is safe from harm and help deliver care that is inclusive and fair. It is imperative that you uphold your responsibility of duty of care, and have a good understanding of what it entails as even a negligent or unintentional act can jeopardise this legal duty.
Duty of care as a principle effects my role on a day to day basis and all my work revolves around this principle. When carrying out my daily duties I must ensure that my practices are fair, safe and take into account individuals wishes including, choice, independence, diversity, individuality, religion and beliefs. As a support worker I must do all I can to develop myself and my knowledge of organisational and legal requirements surrounding duty of care and, to ensure that I understand the principles and follow them. I also have a duty to apply my knowledge of duty of care in all activities and ask for assistance if I feel I need help or guidance from others. On a final note it is imperative that you keep good and accurate...