Materials for Outdoor Furniture

Materials for Garden Furniture and Their Properties
Metal is another popular material for garden furniture because it blends well with the natural surroundings and because it is very durable if cared for properly. But metal garden furniture has one disadvantage – it poses a risk of rusting unless it is made from stainless steel. The latter cannot be affected by rain and moisture but it is not as heavy and sturdy as cast iron for instance. Garden furniture made from cast iron always comes with protective paint which, however, does not last indefinitely. But besides periodic re-paint and yearly inspection for signs of damage to the paint, it does not require any special care. Although relatively heavy weight makes it ideal for outdoor use, it is very inconvenient for moving and carrying around.
Stone is not particularly a common choice for garden furniture which is primarily related to its relatively high costs. Stone garden furniture is indeed relatively expensive, however, it is also true that the cost varies greatly from one type of stone to another. In addition, stone virtually lasts forever and can easily be passed to the next generations. It is also resistant to the outdoor elements and does not need any special care to keep it beautiful.
Plastic garden furniture is appealing due to its relatively low cost. Its aesthetic appeal cannot compare to the materials mentioned above although there are many kinds of plastic some of which can look strikingly similar to natural materials such as rattan for instance. Plastic garden furniture needs only regular cleaning but it is not as durable as outdoor furniture made from natural materials and needs to be replaced earlier. As a result, plastic garden furniture is not any less expensive in the long term than garden furniture made from top quality materials.
Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical - A chemical property is a characteristic that can only be seen when the material changes and a new material is...