Living Arrangements by Alistair Morgan

Living Arrangements by Alistair Morgan

“Living Arrangements” by Alistair Morgan tells the story of a fifty-eight year old woman, living a simple life in the quiet southern suburb of Cape Town, who becomes aware of a presence in her house. As the story continues, the woman not only notices food going missing but also discovers a woman, Honorata, sleeping under her bed. All of the situations that arise between the characters are directly related to the plot of the story. The sequence of events directly influences the interpretation of the characters, as well as the way in which the story is portrayed. The main character portrays an immense sense of loneliness, which also influences the sequence of events. I will be discussing the way in which the woman reacts to Honorata’s presence before and after she has been revealed, and how this influences the sequence of events in the story. I will also be discussing the conflict between the two characters and the conclusion of the story. I will also refer to the exploration of each character throughout my analysis, in order to prove that the sequence of events influences your interpretation of each character.

The reaction of the woman in “Living Arrangements” (Morgan) to the presence in her house directly influences the sequence of events that follows. The woman is not alarmed by the presence, but rather she welcomes it, because of the immense loneliness she experiences in her life. The reader is given an introduction into the woman’s life. She describes her life as simple. One quickly becomes aware of the routine that the woman has. The woman comes across as quite silly and a bit disillusioned, for the circumstances in which she finds herself in, is quite odd. She states that she “[o]nce even caught [herself] chatting to them as [she] walked down the aisles of Pick n Pay” (Morgan 177). Normally people would call the police when they notice someone is living in their house, but the woman welcomes the presence by leaving...