Impact of Divorce

The Impact of Divorce on Children
The impact of divorce on children
What does the effect of a divorce have on our children? Different circumstances will garner different responses from our children. Younger children may be able to adapt easier as older children may harbor resentment towards one or both parents. The individual impact can be either as positive or negative as both parents allow. If both parents are active in their separation, the transition for the children will be less stressful in the long run.
Becoming fatherless because of divorce
When a young child grows up having his parents involved in their after school activities is extremely important to their development process. Having both of their parents present at baseball games, soccer games or school and church functions is something that they can carry with themfor many years. A feeling of belonging might be part of their growing up process as they listens to their father brag to his friends about how well his son or daughter performed during that event.
During the process of divorce, that same father might be required to move out of the local area, change jobs or change his lifestyle, and unfortunately many of those changes often
lead to a child having little or no contact with their father. These feelings of loss that a child might go through can play an important role in how they view relationships that they may go through as they grow up and enter the dating world. Often a fear of abandonment and the tendency to push people away is a result of having a fatherless childhood (“children of divorce 2004).
Becoming more involved
Having an appropriate parenting plan can greatly assist both the parents as well as the children when divorce is concerned. The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers provides an example parenting plan that contains jurisdiction, decision making rights, education, medical care, extracurricular activities, time scheduling, travel and...