Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking
Barbara Cooper
American InterContinental University Online

Human trafficking is a crime which is committed against the young and vulnerable. It harms the victims not only physically, but psychologically and financially as well. This paper will discuss the ways victims are harmed. A known fact is that there are more human slaves in the world today than ever before.

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking harms it victims, physically, psychologically, and financially. It’s a complex crime against humanity. It involves the act of recruiting, transporting, harboring, or receiving a person through the use of force (“What is Human Trafficking?” 2012). Pretending that it doesn’t exit, is an even bigger crime. Every day these victims are held captives, beaten, and left on the streets without shelter, food, or hope. Modern-day-slavery is another name for Human Trafficking, because most of these victims are held against their will. They are mistreated, brainwashed, and made to do unspeakable acts. The problem with human trafficking is so bad that the “United States has a law that allows human trafficking victims to stay in the U.S., because the U.S. Congress recognize and believes that human trafficking victims have “suffer enough”(Human trafficking, 2012). Human trafficking in the U.S. has been allowed a tolerance in this country and left behind thousands of victims who have been stolen or lured on false pretenses in order for traffickers to make money. “Human Trafficking is the second largest global enterprise in the world today, generating $32 billion in profits for the perpetrators” (Baldas, 2012).
“Victims are physically harmed when there are physical injuries such as, broken bones, concussions, burns, vaginal or anal tearing. Traumatic brain injury, known as (TBI), that can result in memory loss, dizziness, headaches, numbness, sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/Aids, gonorrhea, syphilis, and pubic lice. Usually drugs and...