Hum/130 Religions

The religion that I am going to talk about today is the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I choose them primarily because they are a religion that I am most familiar with and also believe in the things that they do and their practices. Although I am not a Jehovah’s Witness, I like to think that when I am finally ready to get into religion that Jehovah’s Witness will be the religion that I will choose. Let me give you a little insight on the Jehovah’s Witnesses today.   They are a religion that is based on the Bible and its’ teachings. I know you might say that isn’t every religion based on that, but I have seen many times that some religions will make things ok and there will be nothing in the Bible that says that it is ok. So they are the type of people that will not only tell you something but they will also show you from the Bible and also help you understand it better. They do not celebrate holidays like Christmas, the fourth of July and Easter and they do not believe that Jesus Christ died on a cross; they believe that he died on a stake.   They also believe very strongly that you need to go out and preach the Bible to as many people as you can. This is a crucial part to the religion in that just studying the Bible is not good enough. You also have to preach and practice in the faith. They also believe that God’s name is Jehovah, and that he sent his son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. So now that I have given you a little more insight on their practices and what they believe in let me give you a summary of their place of worship.
The first thing that I would like to say about their place of worship is that they do not call it a church; they call it The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses or Kingdom Hall for short. So if you find someone who is a Jehovah’s Witness they will not say that they are going to Church they will say that they are going to the Kingdom Hall. So I went with my sister to the Kingdom Hall about a month back. I had not been there in years and saw...