
“We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams.” -- Albert Einstein.   This quote sums up my life perfectly. As soon as I could walk, my mother put me in dance lessons. I was an extremely uncoordinated two year old with a simple wish: learning to skip. Little did I know that this wish would lead to something more than life itself.   As I flip though old dance pictures, I realize how much I’ve grown since my first lesson. I think about all the feathers, the tutus, and the sequins. I think of how badly I wanted to be good enough to flow across the stage in those beautiful pointe shoes like the older girls. I think of how absolutely gorgeous I thought I was with silver eye shadow and bright red lipstick on. I think of all the friends I’ve made, most of which I am close to today. Most importantly I think of all the hard work and dedication it took to make me into the person I am now. It is hard to believe that such a small wish would turn into such a large reality.
In the beginning I tried a few other sports: soccer, volleyball, softball, but none seemed to fully capture my attention like dance did. Dance requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance -three qualities that fit my personality perfectly. Because it is a fulltime sport it requires fulltime commitment, which was a little hard to get use to once I got older and befriended kids from school. When they would ask me to go to their birthday party or to see a movie, my answer would always be “I can’t, I have dance”.   Yes, I missed out on a large part of my childhood but it was worth it to get to where I am today.
Dance taught me most of what I know about life. If I fall, I need to get up and try again. When I fail, I should keep my head up because practice makes perfect. If I’m sad, keep smiling because there is always someone watching for it. The most important thing it taught me...