Fear and Attention

Fear and Attention
Let’s be honest, society today is a mess. We are always under thinking, over criticizing, and blowing things out of proportion. In the cartoon, there is man who represents the majority of America and he is looking at what is obviously a freckle on his arm. In the word bubble next to him, it has him saying all these ridiculous things that the freckle could be but are so farfetched that it’s actually funny the things he is saying these things. Society fuels fears such as these with commercials and news articles to make us think that everything little thing is something that’s so much bigger than it really is. Making us seek medical attention that we really don’t need and spend the money that we really don’t have either. The attention we receive makes us want more so we go back for every single little thing we have. The things we come across in society fuel this fear and need for attention.
In today’s society, almost every marketing tool we come into contact with is meant to entice fear in us. Commercials, articles, research, the news, every one of these can have a negative effect on the way we view either the product they are promoting or the way it affects us. Commercials, such as one promoting different medications; always have side effects that seem to outweigh the reason to take the medication. One of my good friends was telling the group of people we were sitting with about this drug she will be starting next month for her acne problem. She proceeded to pull up the side effects on her iPhone and was reading them to us. Some of the side effects were hair loss, facial hair growth, deepening of voice, mood swings, and depression; among other effects. We then proceeded to ask her why she just wouldn’t live with the acne rather than have the chance of all these awful side effects. “Because I hate my face!” That was her answer. Sounded like a pretty pathetic answer. News stations are about the same way, it seems almost no reported wants to...