Compare and Contrast the Person-Centred and Mindfulness Approaches to Understanding and Working with Fear and Sadness. Which of These Two Approaches Do You Feel More Drawn to and Why?
Compare and contrast the person-centred and mindfulness approaches to understanding and working with fear and sadness. Which of these two approaches do you feel more drawn to and why?
It is known that most people when seeking counselling, usually go because of fear and sadness reasons. Fear and sadness can now be known as a mental health problem. A mental health problem diversify within the worries we all go through in contribution to our everyday life to serious negative psychological long-term conditions. The more we experience these problems the more mental health problems can be gotten over them or learnt to live with them. The reason mental health problems needs to be classified and defined is to aid health professionals in caring for people with mental health problems. Some diagnosis are more serious than others and can sometimes be hard to diagnose.
Most mental health symptoms for a long time been split into groups called either ‘neurotic’ or ‘psychotic’ symptoms. ‘Neurotic’ covers those symptoms which can be seen as intense forms of ‘normal’ emotional experiences such as fear, sadness ,depression,anxietyor panic. Conditions formerly referred to as ‘neuroses’ are now more frequently called ‘common mental health problems.’ Psychotic on the other hand are not as common, they interrupt a persons perception of reality, it includes hallucinations, feeling things or seeing things no one else can see. Mental health problems affect the way you think, feel and behave.
Fear is an example of an emotion that is triggered by a threat . that is perceived which then makes us more defensive. It is a fundamental aliveness mechanism that happens as a consequence to a particular stimulus, such as the unknown,painor the threat of danger. Fear is the cognition of recognizing danger that leads us to an urge to confront it or get away from it (also known as the fight-or-flight response) In some extreme cases of fear it has been known for some people...