Eymp 5

Speech and language

1.1. a) Explain each of the terms: speech
Speech is a form of communication. Speech is a formal address of delivered to an audience. Speech can be the ability to express thoughts through sounds. When with children it literally means speaking.
      1.1. b) Explain each of the terms: language
Language is the method of communication, this can be either spoken or written. It consists of the use of words in a structured way. It can also be a person’s language depending on what country they are from. It can be gestures if you were deaf you’d use sign language.
      1.1. c) Explain each of the terms: communication
It is the means of sending or receiving information such as email or telephone. It can also be the passing on or exchanging of information by writing, speaking etc.
      1.1. d) Explain each of the terms: speech, language and communication needs.
A child who is diagnosed with a speech, language and communication needs is experiencing a communication breakdown due to a difficulty with one or more of the different sides of speech, language or communication. This may be a small, temporary or a long-term difficulty, which needs extra assistance to support the child’s development needs.
1.2. a) Explain how speech, language and communication skills support each of the following areas in children’s development: learning
Speech, language and communication skills support learning because each one helps a child to understand what is happening or make a way that afterwards the child can communicate what they saw. A child can ask questions and then we can verbally pass on the information to them that helps them make the connection and they can understand the concept of it.
1.2. b) Explain how speech, language and communication skills support each of the following areas in children’s development: emotional
Those skills also support emotional development because controlling emotions is a huge part of that development and if a child...