Expected Pattern of Childrens Development

• Describe the expected pattern of children and young people's development from birth
to 19 years, to include:
- physical development
- communication and intellectual development
- social, emotional and behavioural development.

  All children and young adults will develop at different rates but it’s important that everyone as the opportunity to develop them in a variety of ways and they are supported as they do. Years 0-3 is a period of fast physical development. New born babies have very little control over their bodies. Their movements are dependent on a series of reflexes through grasping and sucking. By 12 months most babies have control over their bodies. They start to develop a degree of mobility and start to crawl or roll. They are physically unable to control their bowels or bladder. In their second year, babies continue to develop quickly and will usually start to walk and will be using their little hands to point to things and to hold objects. They start to feed themselves and even dress themselves. At this age they start to become curious and want to explore and poke fingers in holes. At the age of 3-7 they will have control over using pencils and crayons. They will show more co-ordinated movements and show fine motor skills such as writing and drawing. They walk and run with more confidence and are more confident in activities such as running, hopping and even kicking a ball. They will begin to control their bowels and bladder. Between the years of 7-12 children will continue to develop. They will show a variety of gross motor skills. They will start to become interested in hobbies and have a variety of interests. They will gain more controlled finer movements such as playing on a particular instrument or even taking up a hobby or interest such as sewing. Between the ages of 10-11 girls start to show early signs of puberty, whereas boys will start later .During adolescence, young people will develop stronger. Boys will start to go through...