Describe the Expected Pattern of Children and Young People's Development from Birth to 19 Years

TDA21-1.1 Describe the expected pattern of children and young people's development from birth to 19 years, to include:

⍕physical development
⍕communication and intellectual development
⍕social, emotional and behavioural development.

To look after and work with children and young people it is important that you understand their development. It is impossible to think about how you can meet a child’s needs unless you know what to expect from him or her in terms of thinking, communication, and physical abilities for example. You will explore the principles of development and the five key stages from birth to age 19 years before looking at how physical, social, emotional and behavioural, communication and intellectual skills are developed. Using table, I will indicate for each age and stage of development from birth until 19 years old.

Physical development Communication and intellectual development Social, emotional and behavioural development
YEAR At birth: swallowing, sucking, rooting, grasp, startle, walking, standing, falling reflexes.
By 1 month: some reflexes are not that strong at birth.
By 3 months: body development, which they can hold head up when lying on their belly, hold rattles, and play with fingers.
By 6 months: reach out and grab, pass object from hand to hand, try to self feed with spoon, hold head steady, teeth appear, sit up in high chair, roll over from back to front, push up on their hands when on their front, lift up arms and legs while on front.
By 9 months: crawling or shuffling, sit up unsupported, pincer grasp, objects explored by hands and mouth. At birth: recognise mother's voice and smell. In addition, they cry in order to communicate their needs.
By 1 month: have different cries which parent or carers might understand the different types of cries, they reacting as soon as they hear gentle voices, have good attention to the person's face whoever is...