Ethical Dilemma

Two Ethical Dilemmas

      According to the Miniature Guide of ethics, (Elders 2004) there are two questions to be explored in ethics cases. Is the ethical issue simple to resolve or is it very complicated causing a judgment to be made? Some cases need more analysis than others to determine the proper course of action to find a resolution while others can be solved rather easily. These questions lead the way to a fact finding mission to support the proper handling of an ethical matter.

Let us look at an unsolved case. In the matter of Chia- Shun “Rocky” Shih hired 1973 and Alberto Arroyo hired 1982 versus the University of Texas at San Antonio, (Ludwig, 2003) the School also known as UTSA has a code of ethics that advises professors to “not make personal investments that could reasonably be expected to create a substantial conflict between your private interest and the public interest.” These were professors who supposedly benefited from the work of the engineering students that they taught from the prior semester. The professors’ buying of the Helotes 33 acre tract has resulted in definite suspensions because it was their students’ study site from the last semester. Both professors were given paid time off while an investigation was being conducted. According to the UTSA handbook, the process to prove a conflict of interest by university faculty members is a very long one. The unsolved article says and I quote, “According to the University’s handbook, the president must inform a tenured faculty, member in writing that he or she is being terminated for cause. The case then goes to a faculty panel, which forwards its recommendation to the University if Texas System Board of Regents for final decision. The process could take months, even years.”

This process has resulted in engineering professor being placed on leave with pay effective January 2008. Once professors were found guilty of violating UTSA Code of Ethics, the termination process was set into...